Dietary supplement for men

Capsules with vitamins, minerals and plant extracts.

REPROMAN® is a unique product developed by leading specialists in the reproductive medicine discipline based on their long-time knowledge, experience and worldwide recognised professional studies.

Dietary supplement for men

Proven increase in fertility and quality of sex life

REPROMAN® is a unique product developed by leading specialists in the reproductive medicine discipline based on their long-time knowledge, experience and worldwide recognised professional studies.

Product composition

the product contains a unique combination of natural ingredients and substances with positive effects on male sexual health and fertility.

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Male infertility

with an increasing percentage of problems with conceiving a child, the main causes are the environment, chemical and mental stress.

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Specialised research

Reproman was developed based on long-term experience of infertility experts and its effectiveness is being verified.

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We will advise you

We will discreetly answer any question related to male infertility and help you solve your problems.

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Individual components of the product were carefully chosen and REPROMAN® contains optimal composition of substances with a demonstrably beneficial effect on production of male germ cells, thus increasing sperm production and improving its quality in all parameters (progressive and total motility, sperm count, volume, morphology).

Selected components of the product will help improve the quality of sexual life, as it has a beneficial effect on sexual activity and potency.

Původní česká výroba

Přírodní složení bez chemie a konzervantů


  • Each capsule contains a high amount of proven active ingredients with positive effects on spermatogenesis (production of male sperm germ cells) and sperm quality.
  • Selected ingredients have positive effects on male sexual health – they improve potency and increase sex drive.
  • It improves the condition and immunity of the human body.
  • It increases fatigue resistance.
  • It acts as an antioxidant.
  • It improves mental concentration.

Who is the product intended for?

  • Men who want to have offspring with their partner, but have impaired or reduced fertility.
  • Men who want to improve or maintain their sex life.
  • Men who want to increase their sex drive for pleasure.